Android Studio #4 - Android Architecture | Part 2

Hello friends, welcome to the another tutotrial of Programming Infinity. In this tutorial, we will know about the android architecture and also about its parts. By the end of this tutorial, we will get a clear understanding about the android architecture, which helps very much in android programming. So friends, let's begin...

Android Architecture

Android Architecture means the android structure which helps android to work properly as required. It includes all the software system which helps the android in many ways as of controlling hardwares like wifi, internet etc. It also helps the developer's by providing certain libraries, which the developer can use in his app to give certain features. Mainly Android Architecture contains 5 sections or 4 main layers. The 4 main layers includes Linux Kernel, Libraries (includes two sections namely android libraries and Android runtime libraries), Application Framework and Applications.

Linux kernel

It acts as a connector between hardware and softwares. It includes the device drivers for important hardwares as wifi, network, storage etc. It also controls android hardware with software by providing a linking between android hardware and softwares.


Libraries includes all the libraries which is commonly used among android system softwares. It includes WebKit, ssl libraries for security, library for playing audio and video etc. It includes two section namely android libraries and android runtime libraries. Android libraries includes all java-core libraries which is specific for android development as UI building, graphics designing etc. Runtime libraries includes c/c++ libraries which is used at runtime of phone/app. It contains DVM (Dalvik virtual machine), which is a android optimized operating system. It also provides a set of core-libraries which enable android application developers to write android application using standard JAVA.

Application Framework

It provides high level services to applications in form of JAVA Classes.


It includes all the applications which is installed on the phone and we use it according to our needs.
e.g. Browser, Phone etc.

So friends, that is all for this tutorial. If you have any questions, then ask me in comment box.
Thanks - 
Programming Infinity (Samridh Sharma)


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